Sunday, October 7, 2012

Greetings!  This is the interview that I did for the podcast activity.  First, I apologize, I am a little over 5 minutes; however, I don't have any software that will allow me to edit it.

I interviewed an instructor from Graceland University named Libby.  Libby is an elementary school teacher who also teaches adults how to teach children to read.  Libby is a seasoned educator who has seen many technologies come into classrooms.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Admittedly, like much technology, I was unimpressed with the concept of podcasts until I hit page 36 (yes, I realize that’s like 3 pages into the chapter).  I like the concept of a professor setting up lectures that students can access when they need help with something.  If the professor gets similar questions throughout several terms, he or she could set up a pod cast covering that topic.  Sort of like a FAQ page.  This could be done school wide instead of being tied to a specific course.

For example, a student taking a physics course may struggle with a mathematical concept.  That student could look up the problem problem (ha-ha) and get a refresher on how to complete that particular mathematical operation.  The same podcast could be used to help a student in an accounting course, research course, etc…

After reading through the information on podcasting, I came to realize that it could be an extremely useful tool in an online or a traditional course.  For students in a traditional course, they could have 24 hour access to the professor.  I even think of my kids when they are doing homework and can’t remember what the teacher said about a certain subject.  It would be nice if we could go back and listen together then I could help them through their homework.
